You can always request more to be added using our vote for new applications page. Viber 18.1 Released: 18th Mar 2023 (a few seconds ago) Viber Released: 18th Mar 2023 (a few seconds ago) Viber Released: 18th Mar 2023 (a few seconds ago) Viber 17.5.1. We are always looking to expand our support product list drop us a note on our forum if you want to see a new application added. It runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems with no dedicated 64-bit download provided. Patch My PC Home Updater supports installing and updating ~250 applications! The list below will show every application that we support installing, detecting, and auto-updating. Viber for Desktop Extend this free Skype alternative to your desktop or laptop The Finest Hand-Selected Downloads.